Sponsor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Principal investigator: Roman Yatskiv, Ph.D.
Members: Jan Grym, Ph.D., María Verde Lozano, Ph.D.; Assoc.prof. Petar Gladkov, Ph.D.; Jan Lorinčík, CSc, Marie Hamplová, MSc.
From: 2014-01-01
To: 2016-04-30
This project aims at theoretical and experimental study of ZnO nanostructured layers prepared by electrophoretic deposition and study of environmental sensors based on these layers.

(a) Schematic cross section; (b) SEM image of seed layer prepared by EPD of ZnO nanoparticles; (c) Cross-section SEM image of ZnO NRs grown on seed layers prepared by EPD of ZnO nanoparticles. (d) current-voltage characteristics and (e) current-transient characteristics of the graphite/ZnO NRs junctions.
- Yatskiv R, Grym J, Gladkov P, et al. Room temperature hydrogen sensing with the graphite/ZnO nanorod junctions decorated with Pt nanoparticles. Solid State Electron. 2016;116:124-129.
- Yatskiv R, Verde M, Grym J. ZnO-based gas sensors prepared by EPD and hydrothermal growth. Key Engineering Materials. Vol 654; 2015: 94-98.
- R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, Luminescence properties of hydrothermally grown ZnO nanorods, Superlattices and Microstructures 2016;99:214-220.
- Yatskiv R, Brus VV, Verde M, Grym J, Gladkov P. Electrical and optical properties of graphite/ZnO nanorods heterojunctions. Carbon. Oct 2014;77:1011-101.
- Yatskiv R, Grym J, Verde M. Graphite/ZnO nanorods junction for ultraviolet photodetectors. Solid State Electron. Mar 2015;105:70-73.
- O. Černohorský, J,Gry, R Yatskiv, V.H. Pham, J. H. Dickerson, Insight into Nanoparticle Charging Mechanism in Nonpolar Solvents to Control the Formation of Pt Nanoparticle Monolayers by Electrophoretic Deposition. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016;8(30):19680-19690.
- Grym J, Yatskiv R, Cernohorský O, et al. Electrophoretic deposition of metal nanoparticle monolayers from nonpolar solvents for hydrogen sensing. Key Engineering Materials. Vol 654; 2015: 213-217.
- Yatskiv R, Grym J. Well-aligned ZnO nanorods grown directly on GaN substrates for optoelectronic applications. NEMS, 2016 IEEE; 1-4 Apr. 2016
- Yatskiv R, Grym J. Influence of H2O2 treatment on morphological and photoluminescence properties of hydrothermally grown ZnO nanorods. Paper presented at: NANOCON 2015 - 7th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research and Application, Conference Proceedings, 2015
- Yatskiv R, Grym J. The effect of surface morphology of ZnO nanorods on the sensing response of graphite/ZnO nanorod junctions. SENSORS, 2015 IEEE; 1-4 Nov. 2015, 2015.
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