For scientists

Ruby laser at the former Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1963)
Sixty years ago, the first lasers in Czechoslovakia were lit up, and the first university course in laser physics was launched. Let us recall at least a part of the history of Czechoslovak lasers through the memories of Jan Blabla and Viktor Trkal, who assembled the first laser amplifier already in the autumn of 1962.
Glass and Ceramics Magazine, issue 1-2/2023
The article about advancements in optical fibres by a group of authors from the Institute of Photonics and Electronics was published in the Glass and Ceramics (Sklář a keramik), a professional magazine for the glass, ceramics, and jewelry industry.
Ondřej Schreiber (ÚFE) at SPIE Photonics West 2023
Graduate student Ondřej Schreiber won second place in the prestigious student competition for the best lecture at the SPIE Photonics West symposium in San Francisco, California.
Start of the first DIGS-BB Topical Partner Cluster with research groups from the Czech Academy of Sciences on "Cytoskeletal Dynamics Across Scales”
Start of the first DIGS-BB (Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering) Topical Partner Cluster with research groups from the Czech Academy of Sciences on "Cytoskeletal Dynamics Across Scales”
Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky navštívila ministryně pro vědu, výzkum a inovace Helena Langšádlová
Helena Langšádlová visited research laboratories and discussed with young scientists.
We organized a charity collection for children and foster families
ÚFE employees once again organized a charity collection of needs for children and adults for the Department of Social Affairs and Education of the City District of Prague 20-Horní Počernice.
AV21 Strategy
The Institute of Photonics and Electronics hosted the 3rd year of the seminar Critical infrastructure protection with laser technologies, which was organized as part of the AV21 Strategy.
Visit of Ilona Müllerová, Vice President of the Czech Academy of Sciences, to the ÚFE
Ilona Müllerová, Vice President of the Czech Academy of Sciences responsible for the I. research area, visited our workplace. She visited laboratories of nano-optics, optical biosensors, fiber lasers and others.
M. Piliarik's team received awards from the Czech Academy of Sciences for extraordinary research results
Marek Piliarik and his nano-optics team developed a photothermal spatial light modulator for ultrasensitive 3D nanoscopy, for which they received prizes for extraordinary results of research, experimental development and innovation from the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Don't miss the traditional glass conference. Come and listen to a lecture by ÚFE or take part in a lab tour to ÚFE's optical fiber technology research laboratories.


IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

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DIČ: CZ67985882