For scientists

Pavel Peterka during Erich Spitz´s visit at IPE in 2019
From Friday, 1st October, Pavel Peterka becomes a new director of IPE. He was appointed as Director of the research institute by the President of the Academy of Sciences Eva Zažímalová.
We have developed an analytical method that can detect nucleic acids with extreme sensitivity. It will help to diagnose e.g. bone marrow disease. More in the press release.
Pavel Peterka in the Czech Television show "The Wandering Camera"
In the holiday special of the Czech Television show "The Wandering Camera" the moderating couple is moving to the Czech Republic of the future. Specifically for companies and scientists who are already ahead of their time today and with their discoveries and work they are changing the world and playing an important role in it.
M. Cifra - Light of living organisms / biological autoluminescence
We kindly invite teachers from primary and secondary schools who are interested in current information from physics and related fields to the online meeting "Light of Living Organisms" as part of the Teachers & Scientists event, organized by the Institute of Physics of CAS.
Illustration picture: NeuronCollective, IPE
Researchers from the Nano-optics research team have developed a new technology that allows to compose a three-dimensional image from a constantly moving sample using an optical microscope. The prestigious journal Nature Communications reported about the new patented method today.
SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics logo
We invite you to Optical Fiber Technology Industry Session held on April 22 within SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics digital forum, the largest event in optics and photonics field in the Czech Republic.
Microtubules (Art by Neuron Collective, coverpage from Small Methods Journal, 04/2021)
A new method of microscopy by scientists from IPE and Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences published in Small Methods has reached the cover of this prestigious scientific journal.
Czech Academy of Science
Delegates of Academy Assembly elected new members to Academic and Science Council of the CAS for years 2021–2025. Among new members there are prof. Homola and prof. Čtyroký from IPE.
Markéta Bocková won the Werner von Siemens Award
Markéta Bocková from the Optical Biosensors team won the prestigious Werner von Siemens Award for her dissertation and received the Award for Outstanding Quality of Women's Scientific Work.
Nano-optics Laboratory (Photo: Institute of Photonics and Electronics CAS; author: Zuzana Havlínová)
New light-microscopy method enabled high-speed imaging of the protein choreography and dynamics.


IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

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